The Basics Of Staying Active And Outdoors During Winter

As winter approaches, many tend to hibernate, packing away their outdoor gear and cosying up at home. While this may sound idyllic, a number of individuals will miss staying active, as well as the opportunity to immerse themselves in nature. Staying active and outdoors is important for both physical and mental health, which is why it is worthwhile pursuing or continuing an outdoor activity even during the cold season. And, it may be easier than you think.

Not only are there a number of winter activities popular across Canada, such as skiing and hockey, but there are also many ways that other activities can still be enjoyed. It may simply take the right accessories, a bit of research, or even a willingness to embrace the cold!

Warming Up

One of the most fundamental considerations when venturing out in winter, whether on a hike or to wild swim, is to be conscientious of your body temperature. Dressing in climate-appropriate clothing is important, for those on the water as much as those on land. So, be sure that, when leaving the house, you have all the layers of clothing you might potentially need.

In addition to clothing, other accessories, such as thermal flasks, are essential. Such high-quality accessories can help to keep drinks warm, even hot, for an extended period of time, offering a continued source of warmth on cold outings.

Drying Off


Those wanting to brave the water, whether to swim or paddleboard, will need to prepare for drying off. Once out of the water, cold moisture should be quickly drawn from the body to help individuals warm up. This can be done most effectively by a changing robe, an accessory that not only dries and warms but also offers privacy to individuals as they change out of wet gear and into dry clothing.

Knowing The Landscape

A significant part of adventuring outdoors in winter is knowing the landscape. Individuals might be familiar with hiking trails and bodies of water during the summer but, especially under snow, these environments can change drastically.

Not only can the change in weather affect how landscapes look but they can also change the structure of them too. Before heading out, especially if traversing over ice and frozen water, be sure to be aware of all precautions and local support services, as well as local weather forecasts.

Stay Hydrated

Often, during winter, individuals will venture outdoors and, whether due to rainfall or cold temperatures, neglect to stay hydrated as they otherwise would during the summer. Dehydration affects humans throughout the year and for those who remain active outdoors, it is important that sufficient water is always brought along on each trip.

Ease Into The Season

Different climates mean different exertion levels. A jog or swim that is achievable on a warm and dry day may not otherwise be possible during winter. Be sure to adapt your expectations and achievements accordingly, especially for those who will be outdoors with their families as children are more susceptible to the cold.

To learn more on a fun and unique winter activity you can do, please see the information below on glamping.

Provided by glamping dome manufacturer Pacific Domes

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